Gold Canyon Internal Medicine
Spring 2018 - Present
My keyword is empathy. In any design process, whether is designing interfaces or gameplay experiences, it is important to empathize with your users/players. The first digital game I created is a text adventure game called Privilege. Developed in Twine, is an immersive story-telling experience I created to expose players daily life experiences of a group of people. I know that sounds pretty vague, but you can play it yourself here. I am interested in designing and developing serious games because I believe that games can be used as a medium foster empathy within people.
Gold Canyon Internal Medicine
Spring 2018 - Present
UAT Game Jam
Fall 2018
Wellesley College HCI Lab
Summer Research Program 2017
Art Games an Internation Game Jam Network
Summer 2017
TEI 2017
Spring 2017
Summer 2016
WHACK 2016
Spring 2016
Fall 2016
Wellesley College DAV Lab
Summer Research Program 2015
Wellesley College
Spring 2015
Nation Taiwan Univesity
Summer 2014